
I was born in Voronezh (Russia) in 1988 and lived there for the first 8 years of my life. Voronezh is a large city with one million citizens 500 km away from Moscow. My grandparents had a great “dacha” there, next to the river Voronezh in a great green region and this place played an important role in my life. Every year until 2014 I was here for holidays.
In 1995, we moved to St. Petersburg for three years and in 1998 we emigrated to Germany, straight to Leipzig. Here, I started to learn German language at school from zero. I succeeded and was able to come to a “Gymnasium”, namely to the Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium in Leipzig. Since then, I live in Leipzig and call it my second home.

Engineer Study
With the age of 20 I started a Bachelor study in “Energy and Environmental Engineering” at HTWK Leipzig. The first three semesters were very interesting to me but at the end of the study I realized that I prefer to do more of math and physics than an engineer normally has to. During this time I have decided to study Physics after finishing my B.
Physics Study
Starting in 2011, I became a passionate physicist with a hang to theoretical, mathematical and computational physics. Very soon I realized that this is the right place for me.
Shortly after my M.Sc. in physics was finished, I was lucky to be accepted for the “International Max Planck Research School” IMPRS program at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences. This allowed me to work on my PhD Thesis.It was a big pleasure to be part of this great institute.

I am a happy father of two boys and my step daugther. Together with my lovely girl friend we like to go to our garden, visit family and friends and travel.
The most family-friendly hobby of my is photography. I like to search for interesting geometry in the surrounding architecture, but I am also fascinated by portrait photography. I am a passionate ice hockey player and I also like to play volleyball and table tennis. When I have time, I play synthesizers, keyboards and piano and compose progressive rock music. Together with girlfriend we play Klezmer music with clarinet and guitar.